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Welcome to Vätternakvariet!

We welcome you to the exhibition "from rainforest to Vättern".

Vättern aquarium is the largest and most visited inland aquarium in the county. It is located in the old Custom House near Motor Museum. There are a total of 15 aquariums . The largest is 10000 liters. The ambition is to make Vättern aquarium Sweden's largest inland aquarium.


In seven of the aquariums tropical fish from Africa, Asia and South America are swimming. These include Turkish doctor fish . If you want, you can get free manicure of them!


In the other eight aquariums you will find known and unknown Vättern Fish . The main aim of the exhibition is to show these fish



Vättern is Europe's fifth largest lake in Sweden, only Vänern greater . Vättern is an important lake for man. 240,000 people drink Vätterns water each day.


It is a deep, clear lake . The maximum depth of the lake is 128 meters. Secchi depth is up to 17.5 meters.


Vättern is important for wildlife. There are 31 species of fish in the lake. Most of them are in Vättern aquarium .

The exhibition is open :

 Tu. - Fri.   10.00 - 16.00

 Saturday 11.00 - 15.00

 Monday and Sunday    Closed



Ticket prices: Adult 60 : - / item

Children between 5-15 years 25: - / item

Children under 4 years free Senior / Student 50: - / item Schools / kindergarten / 25: - / item

Combination ticket for entrance to Motor Museum + Aquarium:

Adult : 140: - / item

Pensioner: 120: - / item

Family: - 330: -

Group: minimum 15 persons / 95: - / item


Combination ticket can only be bought in the aquarium's opening hours.


If you are you a group of at least 10 people , you can book a guided tour during regular opening hours .


For reservations call : 070-8158888

Platensgatan 2 


591 35 Motala 

0141-588 88

Öppet hela året




Mån - lör: 08.00 – 20.00

Söndagar:  10.00 - 16.00


För mer info 0141 -564 00          

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